The 38 day Annual Theatre Workshop organized by the IISU Theatrical Society culminated into a play titled “Phool and Fools” directed by Vivek Kumar and designed by Hardik Shah. “Phool and Fools” is an adaptation of Harishankar Parsai’s satire “Naagfani ki Kahani”, that comments on the society in a very simple and extremely funny manner. The story revolves around two lovers, Astabhan and Nagfani, who decide to commit suicide because of academic failure and heartbreak, but instead fall in love with each other at the suicide point. However both the lovers have to face the wrath of family rejection and the pain of separation. Not only this, but using satire as a device, the play commented on various flaws of the society like the education system, government, impulsive youth,etc.
This magical rollercoaster ride got, the audience rolling off the chairs laughing in one moment and got them awestruck and mesmerized in another. The play was highly appreciated by the audience who enjoyed the performance, punches, satire and the element of clowning thoroughly. Every punch of the play was accompanied by giggles and laughter.
Chief Guest Mrs. Seema Biswas, a renounced theatre and film actor, appreciated the work of the artists, the director, designer and the institution for putting up such a brilliant show. Mrs. Seema Biswas, mesmerized by the performance, congratulated the team and wished them luck to put up incredible shows like this in future. The Annual Play 2018 was concluded by a token of gratitude presented by Vice Chancellor Dr. Ashok Gupta to Mrs. Seema Biswa.